07890 74 53 56 info@crittercreche.co.uk

Prices - up to the 1st January 2025

Prices – from January 1st 2023 – 1st January 2024

All prices are per house, per day. We charge for the day you drop your pet off and the day you collect.

All prices include hay, fresh greens, grass and dandelions but we do ask that you bring your own dried food so not to upset their digestive systems.

In the event of owners returning before the end of the boarding period booked, we are sorry but the full period booked will be charged. There are no discounts for early collections. This is due to us having a limited number of accommodation available and may have been unable to accommodate a client due to your booking! Thank you for your understanding!

Please note that these prices will increase slightly from the 1st January 2025.

Contact us

Send us an email, we will answer your questions as soon as possible!